Just a reminder….

Sometimes it is easy to forget how unique and amazing every one of us is. In this day and age, social media gives people platforms that didn’t used to exist, to bully others and make fun of someone. Bullying is so prevalent and causes so much unnecessary pain and anger. If we could all just accept each other’s differences instead of making it a bad thing to be different, it could change an entire generation. Instead of putting someone down, celebrate and congratulate them for NOT being just like everyone else. What if we could turn the tables and make it so that copying people’s style or acting like someone else was unacceptable. I bet there are a lot of amazing things that are not being invented, designed or created because someone thinks the idea is weird and they don’t want to get made fun of because of it.


Find someone to encourage today and compliment them, or just smile at them. Sometimes, that will make all the difference in the world to that person.

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